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The Struggles of Being a Junior in High School

I have heard “Junior year will be the hardest year out of your 4 years of High School” and while I was a Freshman and Sophomore, I didn’t really understand what can be so bad about Junior year. Until the 1st day of Junior year. No one will really understand the struggles unless you are currently a Junior or is now a Senior or past High School. Let me explain why Junior year will be the hardest year out of your 4 years of High School. It is when we have to start realizing, we will be adults soon. Out of High School and finally figuring out what we want to do with our lives and what are futures are going to be. What colleges we want to apply to, Trying to keep our grades up while also having the best time outside of school. It is a struggle. Let me tell you mine and maybe the advice I can give to those before their Junior year and even while you are still an 11h grader. I am a cheerleader at Barstow High School, Take two AP classes, and work during the weekends and sometimes on weekdays. Managing time is the number one struggle for me. I can never find the right time to study or do homework. Sometimes, It is even hard to make school the number one priority. Which it should be. But the difference between Junior year and all the other years in High School, is that everything is changing slowly. You are finally an upperclassmen, you are 16 now so you have to get a job, you have some sort of extra curricular, you have AP classes or since you are now a Junior, You now can take Middle College. Everything is changing so quickly and it seems like time is going by so fast. Calm down, and take a deep breathe. My advice would be to stay organized. Buy a planner and write out everything going on in your life. Even if it is outside of school. My next piece of advice would be to manage your time and priorities. School always comes first, especially if you want to go to a good university. Realize that it is not the end of the world and Junior year is only a good 10 months of your life. So make sure to keep living, have fun, but also remember the priorities as what this is being a struggling Junior is all about.

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