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Guardian Angel

Wet. It's the first thing that registers to me while lying in this mossy green forest. The ground. The dirt or rather the mud. It's damping my back but I feel too exhausted to get up and move. It feels like sleep paralysis. I cant move at all. Lifting a finger takes a great deal of energy. And that's something I don't have at the moment, but I doubt sleep paralysis is this relaxing. You’re supposed to feel pressure on your chest and a great sense of dread. That's not what I feel. I feel calm...light even. I don't even recall how I got here. I was arguing with all five of my sisters...and then I left the house. And now I'm here. I’m nowhere near home that's for sure. Where I live it's busy streets, loud city, and gravel. Here it's forest all around and the soft buzzing of a small town. I smell the slight scent of the ocean and could hear streams of water far off in the distance. Yeah. Nowhere near home. I grab a fistful of the fuzzy moss underneath my palm resonating in the aura of this new environment. Whatever got me here could've at least done a more gentler job of doing so. Wherever here is exactly. I'm too tired to think right now. I close my eyes softly drifting back into sleep. “Wake up. It's time to wake up now Starlight.” Warmth. I felt warm and cozy. My back was dry and I felt serenity. I hadn't opened my eyes yet and I saw home. I saw home with my own two eyes through my closed lids. It was in the soft pitter-patter of the distant rain. It was in this man's voice that felt like silk on shaved legs. Home was in the touch of his warm hand on top of my frostbitten one. I opened my eyes slowly to be met with the sky. Or his eyes as they seemed. His eyes looked like storm clouds ready to cage you in, in a night of poetry and green tea. His eyes looked like literal thunder clouds clashing together holding whispers of forbidden stories to be told on a single strike of lightning. He sat back on his knees from leaning over me. I could do nothing but stare into his misty eyes entranced. I’m sorry what was that?” He didn't seem the slightest bit annoyed with my question and simply stared at me with a fierce curiosity. At least that's what I think it was. What else could it be? “Do you know who I am? Or, where you are?” I was dumbstruck. I was able to understand him, but the only words that came to my mind at the moment where “What?” He smiled softly at my dazed state then stood up on his knees, holding his hands out. “Here let me help you up” I grabbed his pale hands, contrasting colors of sienna and porcelain. Sitting up now, still a little woozy he parted his lips too speak. “I said,'' Do you know who I am and where you are ``''Uh...I ``''My name is Crios I am your guardian angel and as of right now you are inside my realm” By now I was looking at this man like he was crazy. My guardian angel and his realm?...come on dude. “My guardian angel why am I here then exactly?” He gave me a strange look, it unnerved me and made me shiver. I wasn't afraid of him, but rather afraid of what he was going to say. “It's against the rules for you to be here, but I couldn't bare to watch you suffer anymore.” I swallowed the lump in my throat. “Zea you were...killed in an accident. I could hear you. I could hear you begging for death...too be put out of your misery. How could I not do anything?...” He caressed his arms as if a cold breeze blew past us. While I simply sat here listening to a stranger tell me I was de- “So what am I doing here shouldn't I be in heaven or” I let the sentence trail off rather not thinking about the latter. He rushed towards me cupping my cheeks in his large hands looking deep into my eyes. “I couldn't let you go I don't care about the consequences I've been entranced with you since the day you were born. Your more of an angel then I will ever be. Your kind smart and generous. Beautiful like no other goddess. More important than my own being...why does he always take the good ones away.” I looked around at the bright white room. It seemed like it was endless. This must be a dream there's no way any of this is real “It's real Zea” “So you can hear my thoughts too?” “I hear many things Zea You want to go home right? is that what you wish” my hands were sweaty wiping away at my pants “Yes. I want to go home” He sighed out a breath from in between his lips like it was his last. Strangely he seemed okay with that fact. And without a second thought his lips touched mine in a gentle yet pained kiss and I was warm all over. Opening my eyes once more I was greeted with the sight of a dark starry sky. I smelt smoke and the taste of soot was on my lips. I sat up slowly with an obnoxious kind of throbbing in my head. Looking at my surroundings. My car was crashed head on into a huge tree doing more damage to the vehicle than the plant. The windshield was shattered from where I flew out of it. And I was sitting in a patch of bloodied dirt and yet the only pain I felt was this increasing headache. Too this day i'm not sure what happened or what I saw and felt, but I refuse to believe it was fake. It wasn't merely a hallucination. It was too real.

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