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Twitter Employees Accused of Spying for Saudi Arabia

Suspects Ahmad Abouammo, Ali Alzabarah, and Ahmed Almutairi are accused of spying for Saudi Arabia. Allegations state that Saudi Agents sought personal info about Twitter users including known critics of the Saudia Government. This is the 1st time Saudi Arrabians are charged with spying on the U.S. This past Wednesday, Ahmad Abouammo appeared in Seattle court and has a Hearing this Friday. These three men are also charged with falsifying documents to the FBI. Two of the suspects, Ahmad Abouammo and Ali Alzabarahare believed to be in Saudi Arabia with their loved ones. One particular suspect, Ali Alzabarah, is accused of accessing the personal data of more than six thousand Twitter users after being recruited by Saudi Agents. Even though this all happened, it was a shock to the U.S. considering the fact that Saudi Arabia is the United State’s key ally in the Middle East. Our U.S President, Donald Trump has maintained close ties with the kingdom in the Middle East despite everything. Although Saudi Arabia is one the United States closest ally in the Middle East, they still have betrayed the country as a whole. But for what? As time goes on , The U.S.’s allies have been turning against this country. Maybe it is time why? And why did Saudi Arabia used a social platform to spy? Spy on what? So many questions but not many answers.

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