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2019 Good Environmental News Wrap Up

Don't get it mixed up, there are a lot of endangered species now, we are in a global warming crisis and there is more polluted than ever but there still is a lot of good going on. And we all should be proud of the way we are wrapping up our 2019 in the Environmental crises.

Sea Turtles

Sea Turtles are making a huge comeback thanks to the Endangered Species Act. They have been showing up more and more along Hawaii Coastal lines and Coral Reefs around the world.

Canada & Animal Entertainment

Canada makes it illegal to use whales, dolphins and porpoise for any kind of entertainment. This is known as the “Free Willy” Bill, it had been passed December 9, 2019.

Finnish & Bees

We have finally created a non-human vaccine! And it's to help save the Bees! Finnish scientists have developed an insect vaccine for bees to help prevent them from dying-off. How it works: Its a sugar patty that would be eaten and digested by the Mother Bee and it would in hopes to create an immunity that would be passed to to the infants to fight against harmful pesticides and diseases.

Netherlands & Stray Dogs

The Netherlands became the first country ever without any stray dogs! How can this be possible? Well, the Government had introduced a law to protect the welfare of animals, and started extensive sterilisation program.

Rome & Plastic Bottles

Rome is becoming more environmentally friendly! You can now get a free metro Ticket in Rome if you recycle plastic bottles using machines set up in three of Italian Capital Stations. This started back in July and people have already recycle of 350,000 water bottles.

Rice Farmers & Ducks

Rice farmers around the world are going back to their old roots in the Japanese culture, replacing harmful pesticides with ducks (which eat insects and weeds) called aigamo.

South Korea & Food Waste

South Korea use to only recycle 2% of their food waste but this year they have recycled 95% of their food waste.

Humpback Whales

Humpback Whales made come back from the brink of extinction due to commercial hunting, and are now under the least concern list, still needing to be watched due to previous numbers though.

UK & Carbon Emissions

The UK reduced its carbon emissions, lowest in been since 1888.

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