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Presidential Candidates Stance on Gun  Violence

The presidential candidates were asked how they would address gun violence in America if they became president, and these were their answers. Marianne Williamson said, “Gun violence is a symptom and we must address the cause… I will lead a national effort to create a nonviolent society.” Joe Biden, “ This nation forces a gun violence epidemic and we have to take action… I have taken on the NRA and won, twice, and I will do it again.” Elizabeth Warren, “I will immediately take executive action to rein in an out-of-control gun industry by requiring nearly all gun sellers to obtain a federal license and directing my government to investigate and prosecute all those who violate existing gun laws.” Kamala Harris, “ My agenda calls for common sense gun reforms like universal background checks, an assault weapons ban, mandatory buybacks for AR-15s and more.” Cory Booker, “ It starts with a federal gun licensing system. I would also work to ban assault weapons, implement universal background checks, and finally bring accountability to the gun industry.”

Another question the presidential candidates were asked was how would they make schools safer from acts of violence, these were their answers. Bernie Sanders, “I will enact comprehensive gun violence prevention laws to end the epidemic of gun violence in this country and in our school.” Pete Buttigieg, “Instead of arming teachers, we need stronger gun violence prevention laws, including red flag laws and background checks.” Amy Klobuchar, “I will continue to push for funding for school safety and training and I will champion a package of gun safety legislation.” And John Delany, “Universal background checks, an assault weapons ban, and extreme risk protection order laws are all solutions that will help accomplish those goals.”

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