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U.S. Cities are Losing 36 Million Trees a Year

The United States loses 36 million trees a year. Why does it matter? Here is why. Summer’s record breaking heat waves is one of the main reasons why we are losing trees daily. Trees lower day temperature by 10 degrees fahrenheit. U.S. Forest Services stated that rural and urban communities lost 36 million trees in a 5 year time period. Which means a 1% drop from 2009-2014. If we don’t save our trees, our cities will become more warmer, polluted, and unhealthy. Hurricanes, Tornadoes, Fires, Insects, and Diseases are some of the many reasons for tree canopy declining. Human’s sensible development is also one of the main reasons for tree loss as well. Now if these few sentences haven’t convinced that losing tree is bad for our environment, then let me state the benefits of trees. Air pollution reduction is one of them. Trees absorb carbon and removes pollutants from our atmosphere. Trees are also a big Energy reductor. They reduce energy costs by 4 billion dollars a year. Next benefit is Water quality improvement. Trees act as water filters absorbing nitrogen and phosphorus into the soil. Speaking of water, Flood Reduction is also another benefit that trees have. Trees reduce flooding by absorbing and reducing runoff into streams. Noise reduction, Protection from UV radiation, Improved aesthetics, Improve human health, and Increasing wildlife habitat are also all benefits that trees have. The big question is, is how can people help tree loss? Well Protecting, Pruning dead limbs, Not removing old trees unless if necessary, Allowing trees to grow, Educating yourself, and last but not least, Donating and volunteering to tree planting is all involving increasing trees around the world.

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