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Student Spotlight-Alex Villegas

Student Spotlight: Alex Villegas

By Kylei Zamora

This is Alex Villegas, he is a good candidate for the student spotlight of this week because he is a multi-sport athlete and is very involved in school activities/sports and is an overall amazing student! Some more facts you’d like to learn about him are..

Question: What clubs or sports are you in here at BHS?

Answer: For school i play basketball, two years varsity player, heading into my third year play under Coach wiggins.

Question: What would you say your favorite subject is?

Answer: P.E because I like doing things that involve the body.

Question: Would you say school is important to you and why?

Answer: No, I do not believe school is as important to me because we don’t get taught about anxiety, depression, how to work with money, pay our taxes, some of the richest people I know didn’t even finish high school.

Question:What is a quote that you live by?

Answer: The quote that I live by is “if you ain’t first you’re last and if you're last take it as a lesson and if you're first don't get satisfied”.

Question: Since you’re on the basketball team what would you say is the best thing about being on a team?

Answer : The best things about being on a team is building new friendships with new people.

Question: Why do you like being involved in basketball?

Answer: I think being involved in basketball because that’s the first sport I fell in love with. When played right it’s such a beautiful sport.

Question: What are three words to describe yourself?

Answer: Humble, hard working, and caring.

Question: What is something that you do outside of school?

Answer: Training for either boxing or basketball.

Question: How does being an athlete make you a better person?

Answer: Being an athlete teaches how to socialize with people I don't know, to communicate with a team and it teaches to be respectful.

Question: What do you wish you were more involved in at school?

Answer: I wish I was more involved in having more school spirit. Question: If you could play any other sport what would it be?

Answer: Nothing because I love what I do.

Question: What is your biggest motivation?

Answer: My family and being rich are my biggest motivations.

Question: What would you say your grade point average is?

Answer: As of right now i would say a 3.2.

Question: Do you have any hobbies?

Answer: My sports are my hobbies.

Question: What do you plan on doing after high school?

Answer: Either going pro in boxing or basketball or investing into my own business.

“My quote that I want to give to other people would be, no matter how hard it is, never give up, always work hard, and don’t make any excuses for the way you live. Always strive to be a better version of yourself.”

@2017 BHS News. Published by Journalism Class.

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