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Not Just A Show

Not Just A Show

By Makayla Woods

Episode one is where my love was found

My hopes were high as I heard the sound

The lovable characters I’d come to learn so well

Held my hand as I walked through hell

The seasons kept my worries at bay, so I could go happily throughout my day

Not a single worry crossed my mind as the show played out and I hit rewind

The characters that I soon called my friends, helped me make my own amends

It brought me comfort each time an episode played, and helped me make it through another day

People tell me it’s just a show, but they don’t know what I know

This show has helped me through so many things, that without it I don’t know where I’d be

When I was sad mad or hurt, these characters turned my pain to strength

Giving me the power to push through yet another rough day

So when you tell me that It’s just a show

Keep in mind that it has helped me more than you could ever know

It gave me the confidence I so desperately needed, to wake up with a smile and feel completed

Who I am is in these episodes, so don’t you dare tell me that it’s just a show

@2017 BHS News. Published by Journalism Class.

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