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College Spotlight

College Spotlight: Disney College Program

By Isabella Rodriguez

1981, when this amazing college was founded. Even though the Disney College Program is not something everyone looks into, personally I would like to attend this college someday. It is an amazing school, obviously it's Disney. They have Disney College Program , Disney Culinary Program, Disney International Program , and Disney Professional Program. With hundreds of different career areas that include marketing and sales, creative, production and entertainment, ect. You can study at Disney World Resort in Orlando Florida or Disneyland Resort in Anaheim California. Disney gets about 50,000 applicants every year but only accepts 12,000 new annual recruits. A total of $390 (the program participation fee) will be due at the time a participant accepts his/her invitation to participate in the program. As goes for living expenses, rent is paid weekly and costs anywhere from about $105 to $220 per person depending on the number of bedrooms and bathrooms, apartment complex, and number of roommates. Rent is deducted automatically from each paycheck, except for the first two weeks or so when rent is covered by the program fees. Your gpa must be at least 2.0 by the time you leave for Florida or California. In the semester prior to participation in the College Program, you must be registered for, and passing, at least two academic courses with a C or better grade. I will be sending an application to this college by the time I graduate high school year 2022, in hopes they will pick me so I can pursue my dream of being in the Disney Professional Program and study in the production and entertainment area so I can work as a cosmetologist. Where I can do hair and makeup for movies or tv shows. If you are like me and are a diehard Disney fan, the Disney College Program might just be right for you.

@2017 BHS News. Published by Journalism Class.

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