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By: Makaila Thompson

Let’s face it, quarantine is no fun. We are stuck inside the house. We can not go to school. Hanging out with our friends is cancelled. No Friday night movies. No hanging out at the mall food court. Sometimes you can feel super bored. Remaining inside is a good way to protect yourself and others from the coronavirus. It is also an important way to help flatten the curve with potential cases that put pressure on our healthcare system and make more people sick. The drawback is it leads to boredom and stir craziness. The USAToday article covers 100 interesting ideas for things to do. Without listing all 100, I will share my top three favorites. Item 7 “Download Duolingo, or a similar app, and teach yourself a foreign language.” Item 34. Coloring books: They’re not just for kids. I have some pretty cool coloring books with very intricate designs. Item 37. Actually try to reproduce something you see on Pinterest. Probably fail and try again. I am actually going to attempt a Halloween art project. Saving a few tin cans and panting them. They will get stacked and make a tower to throw a ball at. That’s right, my very own carnival game. The point is, there are many things to do while we continue to tough it out in the house.

The Thirty posted an article written by Sara Yang. They list twenty four things you can do for yourself and others. The really great take away of this article is that we can still be doing things from others. Being stuck in the house can make it easy to be narrow minded and only think about ourselves. The number 16 item on the list is, offer to help an elderly neighbor or relative. Offering to run an errand or do yard work for an elderly neighbor right now could be very helpful. They might feel really uncomfortable venturing out, so a helping hand might be just what they need. Number 19 is reminding us to schedule time to facetime and video chat with friends and loved ones. Covid is making it hard to have real face time with each other but that shouldn't stop us from communicating. SOmetimes a smile can really make your day. Lastly, number 24. Just say thank you. It seems like a very small task. When you're at the grocery store, say thank you. Say please and be courteous. Everyone is under extra stress right now. You don't know what everyone is going through. Little things are still really important. Being kind to one another is more important than ever.

CNet compiled their top 12 things to do list written by Shelby Brown. A big time way to stay occupied is playing video games. They mention Xbox, Playstation, PC’s, Nintendo Switch and much more. Most of us probably found this avene to stay entertained early on. Whether it be Call of Duty or Fortnite, we can play with our friends and feel connected for a little while again. The next favorite item on the list is exercise. RIght now many have found comfort in the bed or on the couch. Don't forget to get moving. We do not have the luxury of being on high school sports teams and having practices during the week. Take time to stretch. Take a walk around the block or take your dog out if you have one. Maybe play a youtube exercise video and just get your blood flowing. Not being active can add to your boredom and it’s not good for your mental health. COming in at the bottom of the list is doing it yourself projects. Remember that messy closet you've been putting off cleaning? Organize it! You've got plenty of time. Why not put the effort into something that might make the pace you're stuck in a little better? Do it for you. It might be just the thing you need to feel a little better.

@2017 BHS News. Published by Journalism Class.

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