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People Like Me

People Like Me

By Makayla Woods

The feeling washed over me like the feeling you get on christmas morning seeing presents sitting under the tree. It embraced me in a warm hug, telling me that I was now free. The feeling of overwhelming peace, resided in my soul, telling me I was okay now, that I had finally found my home.

Each day was a gift, and each day I was welcomed by people like me. People who didn’t conform to society's standards and people who were free. Free to love who they loved, free to let their hearts soar high like a dove. People like me.

These people opened their arms to me, embracing my heart and shielding it from the bad. We were all so happy, loving whomever we pleased. The doors were wide open, to welcome anyone, and my worries were put to ease. I knew I had found a place to go, no matter what the day brought, I was freed from my sad thoughts.

But one day something was different, someone new came along, but they weren’t like us at all, they despised us overall. I was hurt for so long, questioning why I was disliked by some for loving who I loved. They’d shove me, they’d beat and bruise me, till I was nothing at all.

These people hurt those like me, and made us scared and unable to be free. All we ever wanted was to be accepted like everyone else, to be set free from our problems that consumed us as we told our tales. I found out that day, that not everyone was accepting of my lifestyle. I found out that day that people like me, had to go through so much just for being gay.

For being who we are, people like me, are still fighting for equal rights. People like me are still fighting a gruesome fight. All we want is to be seen as human, because at the end of the day that is what we are. Our rights should not be political debates, they should be given without a doubt, throughout every state.

So next time you go to judge someone for being different, remember that deep down they aren’t. We are all the same at the end of the day, seeking love and affection, in our own ways.

@2017 BHS News. Published by Journalism Class.

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