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Annalicia Urtiaga

I am brought into this new home and the first thing I see is a white dog. She’s very excited to see me for some reason, but I’m not sure how I feel about her yet, she kinda gives me the creeps. There’s also this man and woman who are just staring at me, making me slightly uncomfortable. I’m put down and instantly the white dog will not stop smelling me, so I look to the young girl who brought me here, hoping she’ll pick me up. She’s the only safe human here, and cats have very good judgment so I would know.

“Could you please stop”, I ask the dog. No response, just continuous sniffing. “Please, stop”, I tried again and still nothing. “Cut it out!”, I smack her in the head with my paw. She finally backs off, “I’m sorry, you smell just like an old friend of mine”, the dog finally speaks.

“It’s okay, I’m sorry for smacking you. I feel very uncomfortable here, I come from the streets. An alley cat.”, I replied.

“That’s so cool! What was it like?”

“Everyone was on their own, no one was safe. Oh, but the nights were beautiful. The streets were silent and all the tiny critters and bugs came out. I would love to go back.”

“That sounds amazing. You’ll love it here tho, the girl gives endless love, you never go hungry, and under the big humans’ bed is a real warm and private spot. I’ll show you around.”

So she begins walking around a corner down a hallway, I guess I’ll follow. We walked into what she called the food room. It’s where the humans come to eat, and we will be fed in this room too. Next is a play room. All of the things we can play with are put in a box in this room, the humans also spend most of their time in here. Finally, the young girl’s bedroom. “This is where I sleep, and I’m sure you will too. It’s mostly quiet and she gives the best belly rubs.”, the dog tells me. “It all looks very nice, but I still miss the streets.”, I replied.

Suddenly I’m lifted off of the ground and embraced by the young girl, “I’m gonna name you Phineas”. She sets me on the bed and starts petting me. She scratches behind my ear, under my chin, on my head, down my back. Before I know it, she brings us into the food room and a bowl of white liquid that smells amazing is set in front of me. Even though I’m skeptical at first, I start to drink it and it tastes amazing. Maybe I won’t mind it here.

@2017 BHS News. Published by Journalism Class.

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