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Unsolved Mysteries

Unsolved Mystery

By Kylei Zamora

The Zodiac Killer, the murder mystery that took place during 1968-1969 located in San Francisco taunted the police with his coded letters to the local paper. He had at least five killings directly connected to him, although he claims to have killed 37 people. He had left the bodies of all of the victims to be found and not traced back to him until years later. He first started with Betty Lou Jensen, 16, and David Arthur Faraday, 17. These two victims were found outside of their “bullet-peppered” car. There was one person, Michael Mageau, who had gotten away and was able to give a full description of the killer to the police. He described a man who was 5’8 and heavyset with a white skintone. Later, when they took the killer into questioning, he gave them the rest of the information on who he killed and why he killed them. A month later, newspapers received the first letter from the Zodiac Killer. This was a common theme with the other letters he would send, all signed with a crossed-circle symbol. He write a letter and it later got decoded by a teach and his wife that read "I LIKE KILLING PEOPLE BECAUSE IT IS SO MUCH FUN IT IS MORE FUN THAN KILLING WILD GAME IN THE FOREST BECAUSE MAN IS THE MOST DANGEROUS ANIMAL OF ALL TO KILL SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERIENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING YOUR ROCKS OFF WITH A GIRL THE BEST PART OF IT IS THAT WHEN I DIE I WILL BE REBORN IN PARADISE AND THEY HAVE KILLED WILL BECOME MY SLAVES I WILL NOT GIVE YOU MY NAME BECAUSE YOU WILL TRY TO SLOW DOWN OR TOP MY COLLECTION OF SLAVES FOR MY AFTERLIFE EBEORIETEMETHHPITI." The Zodiac Killer made anonymous calls to the police and sent in different tips, but was never found.

@2017 BHS News. Published by Journalism Class.

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