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Endagered White Rhino was Born

Endangered white rhino was born at Disney’s Animal Kingdom theme park

By Charley Peralta

The endangered white rhinoceros gave birth at Disney’s ANimal Kingdom theme park.Kendi was the first rhino born at the park which was in 1999. She was pregnant for 16 months before she gave birth to a male calf.

This baby, who still does not have a name, is the 11th white rhino born at Walt Disney World Resort in Orlando according to Walt Disney.

The rhino’s weight was 150 pounds when he was born. Both the mom and calf are doing good under their human keepers, said Disney.

In the next few weeks The newborn rhino will be introduced to his group of rhinos. This was the 11th white rhino born at this sanctuary and two more are expected to be on the way said Disney. The animal care team is taking good care of the other two moms expecting to give birth next year sometime.

@2017 BHS News. Published by Journalism Class.

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