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By Makayla Woods

Her soft hand in mine, keeps me grounded on the worst days. The feeling of true love so much more present than just a haze. As my fingers danced in her red hair, I was left peaceful and without a care. Everyday no matter what the time, she is at my side, whether day or night. Her smile brightens up the saddest of times, and I can’t wait to spend with her my entire lifetime.

Some may ask, what makes her so magnificent, but I couldn’t just choose one thing, for my answers are infinite. From the way her smooth accent fills my ears, to the way her words can somehow dry all my tears. To be without her is like to be without a motive, like an old unworking locomotive.

She is the main cause of my joy, like a small child receiving a brand new toy. Our time together is nothing short of fun, and every time we meet, I dread the times when being together for the day is done. What started as just a simple harmless attachment, blossomed into a glorious loving enchantment.

The undying love you can hold for someone, amazes me, and the feeling is something you can never truly outrun. No matter what someone could ever offer, she will always shine above, like the morning sun illuminating the shadows of the pure innocent doves. She began as my close friend, but now the word that fits best would be girlfriend. Every morning when I wake, I see her next to me, and my heart aches.

It aches for more time, yet there are not enough days in this world that would satisfy my need to forever be with this girl.

@2017 BHS News. Published by Journalism Class.

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