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(ICE) arrests 680 Immigrants in Raids

ICE) aka The U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement has detained 680 immigrants as a part of a mass deportations raids on the same day that Donald Trump visited El Paso following the shooting by a gunman who allegedly posted an anti-immigrant screed before the attack.

The raids were conducted at seven agricultural processing plants across Mississippi, and were announced in a press release by (ICE) just as Mr. Trump was landing in Texas. Mr Trump has faced fierce criticism for the raids, with some suggesting the action shows his “comprehensive white nationalist agenda in action.”

“Today's massive immigration raid, which may very well have swept up American citizens and asylum seekers, was not executed in a vacuum,” said Jess Morales Rocketto, the chair of the pro-immigrant group Families Belong Together. “Dismantling our asylum laws, caging children, and separating families — all while El Paso mourns — is Trump's comprehensive white nationalist agenda in action. The raids are part of a broader strategy that is sadistic, cruel, and intentional, all in an effort to terrorise communities of colour while scoring racist political points with his base.”

Trump protests: President visits Texas and Ohio after mass shootings


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