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By Tre Gaskins 

Hello Bhs my name is Tre Gaskins, and this is your weekly article on sports going on around this time at your school. This week were going to talk about football. If you haven’t noticed yet the best season in sports are back yes that's right football and our aztec football players are happy to be back in action and a step closer to redemption.

Many times before we've dealt with defeat. Everybody knows that feelings. The Feeling that builds deep within your stomach and starts to boil within you. Causing rage, causing determination, causing hurt. This year Barstow HIgh School decided that we hate this feeling. Decided that we need change. The change starts now. I want each and every one of our players to go to sleep knowing they gave all they had. Not only what they have but building up enough to push furter. This year is a year of change. The year of The House of Pain.

It has been a long off season for our aztec football players and they are stoked to finally suit up in their first game against Serrano High this friday. The past two seasons for our aztecs didn’t really have the outcome that we had all expected but as us football players love to call it rebuilding and all rebuilding does to our aztecs is get them hungry and now its time to eat baby so lets EAT.

Players to watch this friday include; Senior hard hitting safety,  number 5, Antonio ili aswell as Senior massive lock down offensive lineman and hole stuffing defensive lineman number 77, Daniel Gonzalez. Its The 2019 football season barstow high and were going to ride this aztec bus till the wheels fall off. Please come out and support our football team friday August 23 at 7:00 p.m and to our football team lets start this year off right and end it even better as a Family.                                                                                                  


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