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By: Seanoa Alefaio 

What did this game teach you about your team?

“This game was a wake up call for the JV. We’ve lost 3 out of 4 games so far this season for league and I think they have finally realized that they have to take responsibility upon themselves and gain some self discipline. There’s only so much a coach can do for them. They have to start doing their part now.” - Coach T

How is your team doing in league so far?

“ My team is fresh to basketball so it was expected for our record to be this way since we’re playing up against sophomores and juniors in other schools. Most of my team are freshmen so I hold nothing against them, but we’ve been working long enough for them to stop doing the same little mistakes. Like I said before, it’s time they wake up & use what we teach them in practice. I truly believe in them just waiting for the switch to turn on in all of them.” - Coach T

Who was the player of the game for you last night & why?

“Player of the night would have to go to Analissa Laulu. She’s one of those players I can firmly depend on. Of course, there are things to work on as any other player, but she got the job done last night and stepped up when I asked. Playing both a big and guard is hard work, so I was impressed. She also played with no subs until she got fouled out and throughout the whole time she was on the court, she never gave up. Even when the score is the way it is, she never let up. I appreciate that as a coach.” - Coach T

How will you improve for the next game?

“To improve for the next game, so far most of the teams we’ve played put a lot of pressure on them so I’ll be doing some man-to-man situations. Try to get them used to having people in their face and break that fear. Also it seems we will have to go over our plays more thoroughly for everyone since for some reason they never execute in the game. All I can do is more discipline as a coach and hope that they pick it up together. It seems that their fundamentals are getting better, way better from when I first met them so that’s a good thing. Now we just have to execute plays and be a team under pressure situations. They’ve got this round. I know they can pull it out and make a good comeback for their first season as a team.” - Coach T


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